Denominations and Movements
An exploration of the many Christian denominations and faith movements, their history and development over the years, and their distinguishing beliefs.

Christianity Origins
The Bible
The New Testament
The Old Testament
Practical Tools for Christians
Christian Life For Teens
Christian Prayers
Inspirational Bible Devotions
Christian Holidays
Christian Entertainment
Key Terms in Christianity
Latter Day Saints
Biography of George Fox, Founder of the Religious Society of Friends
What Is Pelagianism and Why Is It Condemned as Heresy?
Biography of Thomas Cranmer, First Protestant Archbishop of Canterbury
Religion in Ireland: History and Statistics
Biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German Theologian and Martyr
19 Influential Quotes by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Biography of Charles Spurgeon, Prince of Preachers
The Shakers: Origins, Beliefs, Influence
What Is Pietism?
George Whitefield, Spellbinding Evangelist of the Great Awakening
Mennonite Beliefs and Practices
Methodist Church History
The Church of the Nazarene Beliefs
Southern Baptist History
Amish Beliefs and Practices
Eastern Orthodox Church Beliefs and Practices
Biography of John Wesley, Methodist Church Co-Founder
Calvinism vs. Arminianism
Eastern Orthodox Denomination
Martin Luther Biography
Methodist Church Beliefs and Practices
Lutheran Beliefs and Practices
Wesleyan Church Beliefs and Practices
Eastern Orthodox History
History and Guiding Beliefs of the Salvation Army Church
Development of Christian Denominations
What Do Catholics Believe?
Seventh-day Adventist Church Overview
Willow Creek Association, Now Global Leadership Network
Assemblies of God Church Beliefs and Practices
What Is Orthodox Easter?
A Concise History of the Roman Catholic Church
Coptic Church Beliefs and Practices
Beliefs and Practices of Messianic Jews
Jehovah’s Witnesses Denomination Overview
Lutheran Church History
Amish Life and Culture
How Many Christians Are In the World Today?
Lutheran Church Denomination
Church of the Brethren Beliefs and Practices
African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC) Beliefs and Practices
History of the Church of the Nazarene
Old Covenant vs. New Covenant
Coptic Orthodox Church Overview
TULIP Acronym: Calvinism Explained in 5 Simple Points
Cowboy Church Beliefs and Practices
Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Go Door to Door?
Who Are the Amish?
Overview of the Assemblies of God Denomination
Anglican Church Beliefs and Practices
Anglican Church Overview
Presbyterian Church Beliefs and Practices
Christian Reformed Church Beliefs and Practices
9 Faith Groups That Reject the Trinity
Calvary Chapel History
Christian Science Denomination
Roman Catholic Church Denomination
How the Assemblies of God Started a Pentecostal Church Movement
Seventh-day Adventist Beliefs and Practices
African Methodist Episcopal Church Overview
Methodist Church Denomination
Christianity Origins
The Bible
The New Testament
The Old Testament
Practical Tools for Christians
Christian Life For Teens
Christian Prayers
Inspirational Bible Devotions
Denominations of Christianity
Christian Holidays
Christian Entertainment
Key Terms in Christianity
Latter Day Saints